Sunday, January 25, 2009

What Lies Up The Road

Pt. Dave Kenney

What is the road ahead for you?
  1. Who will you follow?
  2. What will you save?
  3. What are you worth?

So in 2009, you decided to follow Jesus - not being by insurance of not going to hell. When we decide, we already become a disciple.

2 Peter 1:1-11, NLT
If u decide to follow Jesus, doesn't mean everything will be smooth, it means that we can hold on to Jesus, even if the road is bumpy!

Philippians 2:12-13 NIV
continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, for it is GOD who works in you!

Philippians 2:12-13 NLT
v.13 For GOD is working in you..
this is what lies upon you. This is the promise. God is fully committed doing HIS part.

God does His part. He asks you to do your part.


He gave us what we need (by His living divine) to live a godly live (v.3)
everything we need.

Greek lesson.
Power = dunamis [root word : dynamite]

The Power of the King:
  1. Power for performing miracles
  2. Power
  3. Power over riches and wealth
  4. Arising the number
  5. From enemies and host

He promises to share His divine nature (v.4)

Col 2:9-10 MSG
Jesus promise to share everything. We receive everything everything from God. But that doesn't mean by us becoming God, just becoming godly like.

He enables us to escape the world's corruption (v.4)
Corruption to lie, pornography, pre-material sex, etc. We all aren't facing the same temptation but we do face temptation. God will help you! But it's you that have to decide, it's up to you to decide.

The Corinthian Church Example - "'s ok, I'm a child of God.. He will forgive me.."
1 Cor 1:5-9 NLT


We Respond to God's Promises (v.5)
  • we follow Him instead of ourselves
  • we follow His life
and NOT : to be ourselves and just be better. Don't settle for less.

Galatians 2:20
The Cambodian Pastor who's life was in danger but God saved him instead. Since then he realized that he is already that and only by grace alone, he lives now.

Philippians 2:6-9 NLT
Jesus obeyed what the Father wants Him to do.

"Humility is both the posture of the heart that makes conversion possible and the outcome of such conversion. The way of the disciple is the way of humility, and thus it is appropriate to speak of conversion as a reorientation of one's life to the way of humility. In humility we walk in the fear of the Lord. From this posture of humility we are able to love God and receive God's Word, which both cleanses us and transforms. Humility serves as the ultimate test of whether we truly live with faith, hope, and love" (Gordon T. Smith Prof. of Spiritual Theology at Regent College, taken from his book "Beginning Well - Christian Conversion & Authentic Transformation)

2 Peter 1:5-7

To be productive
To be useful

Like a group of choir/musician, first it's chaos but after practice, everything becomes better and better in harmony. It's just like temptation, can't overcome it instantly.

Parable of the Sower

Matthew 13:3-9
We determine what will be happening. We choose to be productive, or what?
God will always do HIS part.
The one thing God doesn't do is not make us choose Him.
That's our part: be humble and choose Him.

"..we are not expecting you to do what other people can do, we just want you to do what you are capable to do.."
This is God's promise.
He will not take the temptation away. It's your part to say No, and He will enable you.

".. not just trying to get by.." be a disciple instead!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Loving Each Other Through Small Groups

Pt. Tommy Pacatang
John 13:34

Small grous is our small spiritual laboratory.

1. Accept one another (Rom 15:5-7) - can?
in a bigger crowd, it's more easy but when in small groups when you learn people mistakes, etc. would it be easier?

Romans 15:5-7 (NLT) - complete harmony.
Family is also small groups, and usually we can accept family's mistakes.
How about the people outside? They're sill in our "big family" of God?

APPLICATION: We ALL must be inviting and welcoming new people at church and at small group.

2. Encourage one another ( 1 Thess. 5:11)
This is a command!

APPLICATION: In IES Life Group, one thing you can expect to find is, people who are effectively looking for ways to help encouragte each other in ongoing struggle to live for Christ in a hostile culture.

3. Bear with and Forgive one another (Col 3:13-15)
A command that need to be respond.

5% - our part to forgive
95% - let God take care of his/her part

In Life Group, you can meet 'EGR people' - extra grace required :)

4. Submit to one another (Eph 5:21).

My point is - At IES LIfe Group, you can expect to more effectively find people who will prayerfully seek God's best for you and the situations you find yourself in. You can also expect that others will need your input - which is a humbling reason to remain close to God and be reading His word.

5. Serve one another (Gal. 5:13)

We don't serve one another because we have to - we do it because we love one another and we're a family - whether a small or a big family - and that's what families do!

6. IES LIFE groups needs to Multiplies.

We can help change the spiritual landscape of our community. We can help change the destiny of the English speaking people in Jakarta. But it will happen when we are willing to leave the comfort of the family and step out in faith.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

A Prophet, A King, and A Sin

Mario Tahitoe
2 Samuel 12:1-14


The narrative is very complex but it comes down to two: men of God and a secret sin.
One is committed to sin (the King), and the other was sent to rebuke him (the prophet).


1. One of the functions of a prophet is to be the messenger of Yahweh - very big responsibility.
David was the second King (first one was Saul - messed up badly). That's why Nathan understand that this time he couldn't let David failed. Otherwise the nation will go down.

2. Nathan could have had reservation/refuse in approaching King David :
  • Not fun in rebuking another person
  • Credibility was suspected (2 Samuel 7) : David was THE MAN. People loved him. He was untouchable.

3. Nathan used a parable

He understand that David is a good man, so he spoke the truth towards David with love:

  • He didn't embarrassed David
  • He didn't suck up also, and justified
  • Nathan used the same "shepherd language" since David used to be one
  • David convicted himself (v.5)


1. David had committed adultery, deceptions, and murder (2 Samuel 11). He sinned to cover up his other sins.

2. David took instead of asked (v.8)
  • God was disappointed
  • David abuse his power

3. David tried to justify himself (2 Samuel 11:25)
He tried to convinced Joab that what they did was OK. (evil in God's eyes) - 2 Samuel 12:9


1. David confessed his sin, and repented. [after Nathan rebuked him] Can we do a "David"?

2. Confessed sin is a powerless sin.


1. Speak the truth with love - it's not to shame the sinner or to make us look good. God wants to bring the sinner to repentance.

2. Find an accountability partner. - everyone can fall into temptations.

3. God wants to forgive. - God sent Nathan not to embarrassed David.
v.14 - God also sent His OWN SON.