Sunday, May 3, 2009

Real Men Make Right Choices

Pt. Dave Kenney

Acts 16 : 25 - 34 (MSG)

Real men make right choices about God - you need to choose.
Joshua 24:15 (NIV)
  • Choose right habits - we're all creature of habits.
    if you don't decide to change, there won't be a new habit.
  • Choose spiritual growth - by always doing the right thing ; that's creating habits also.
    Our God is a God that forgives, but you won't grow if you can't overcome old bad habits.
    You need to be doing the things that leads you grows, not on the activities.
  • Choose to influence others.
    You will influence people by the things you choose to do.
Real men make right choices about their single life.
  • Choose honesty - single men tends to have less responsibilities and that makes the opportunity of dishonest to be bigger.
    Matt 5: 16 (NIV)
  • Choose purity - whatever worldly concepts that is going out there, is a NO GO for Christians. Being single doesn't mean you have less responsibilities to about holiness and purity.
    1 Cor 6:16-20 (MSG)

  • Choose others - can choose to do so many activities to be an influence to others. Be used by God to touch others.

Real men make right choices about their marriages.
  • Choose to love - your own wife.
    Love is not about feeling. You need to tell it. Emotions is great, but it comes and goes.
  • Choose to build - instead of tearing down.
    "..two become one.." if you attack one, you're attacking yourself.
  • Choose to be faithful
    the only thing that can break this faithful is the sin of sex, and it's a matter of choice.
    in the Old Testament: idolatry = adultery.
Real men make right choices about their children.
Eph. 6 : 4 (NLT)

Choose to discipline :
  • for real violations - not because they embarrasses you.
  • not in anger - you don't want to deliver a message : you got punished because you make daddy angry.
  • not in extreme - not let them remember the discipline, and not the lesson
  • consistently
Choose to teach - have to talk, to listen to them, and spend more time with your kids.
Choose to model - children will follow what you DO, and not what you SAY.
Choose to lead - cause the world is full of trap. You need to lead examples for them.

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