Ezekiel 34 : 7-16 [NIV]
How does God view people?
What Jesus' thinks?
What is our role?
God cares for people - to the level that He even willing to removed the shephard [leaders], when they didn't do their job well.
Jeremiah 29:11-13 [NIV]
Psalm 23:1 [NLT]
when the Lord is MY shephard, everything seems unimportant. This also doesn't mean you can do anything you want.
Exodus 34:6-7a [NLT]
A picture of a lovingly, marvelling God.
Throughout the Old Testament we see that God cares for people.
He cares for His own people.
He cares for the foreigners and aliens - we need to treat them fairly
He cares for the poor, the widows and the orphans.
ex. Jonah and the big fish. Niniweh, kota paling bejat. When they conquer a city, they will skinned everyone away. but God give this city a chance to repent. Jonah doesn't want them to repent.
What about Jesus?
Why people hate tax collectors: Romans used to take tax from the Palestine people [since it's part of the Romans] Tax collector will bid, from whom to collect. If the $ bidding > $ jericho they will mark up the amount that need to be collect from the poor.
Luke 1:10 [NLT]
a sycamore-fig tree - 15 meters from the road, very sticky, big leaves, short branches. v.5 - Jesus came by - "..I found you.."
Mark 10:41-45
He gave His life to ransom others
Jesus cares for people

But then after awhile just standing there watching, he ended up with no star fish in his hands.
The dad ask, "why didn't you get any starfish?"
The boy answered, "I was afraid to let go of my other shells in my hands"
"sometimes we focus on doing good things and forgot to look out for the best things."
So, what about the church?
IES is not the building business
IES is not in the music business
IES is not in the training business
IES in in the people business
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