Gen 22:1-19 (NLT)
What was the Old Testament's perspective?
Hebrews 11:17-19 (NLT)
God can be trusted - He don't know how not to be one.
God will always provide - Abraham was the one who come out with the idea of subsitute
What is the New Testament's perspective? [an additional perspective]
Romans 8 : 31-32 (NIV)
Where have we seen this before?
v.2 Mount Morriah in city of Jerusalem. Jewish temple was there. Abt immidiately 80 km away.
v. 14 Probably the place where Jesus will later be sacrifice.
What is the lesson for us?
Izaac was never at risk here. God was totally against human sacrifice, which used to be practive in Kanan.
Only two things had happened :
* Abraham would obeyed - God will stopped him and substitue* Abraham would say No - don't know what would happened afterwards.
But the point is, Izaac wasn't at any risk at all!
God ties the old and new together

God was willing
Abraham was a good father, but also an obiedient servant. He said Yes, and trusted everything in His hand.
God also did the same - laid His Son down for me, for us!
So, what God did was far way beyond what Abraham did!
Our God provides - it's about God provide : someone willing to die for us. It's about the cross!
the coke and the gun story.
What is our response?
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