Saturday, April 17, 2010

Stepping into Your Miracle

Pt. Parkash Khubani

Joshua 3:14-17

A miracle is an unexpected event attributed to divine intervention. One of the greatest tragedies in life is to live and never discover your destiny, but worse than that is to discover your destiny and forfeit it. We are God's precious children and we deserve the best, each of us has a promise from God, and each of us should have our mind made up, that whatever it costs you're going to get what God has promised you.
Now it you're satisfied where you're at, with what you've got, seeing what you're seeing, and doing what you're doing and experiencing what you're experiencing. Then this message is probably not for you.
But if you happen to be one of those rare breeds called dreamers, and if something inside of you is kicking, and if your spirit is divinely dissatisfied, and if you know God has destined you for more, then this message is for you.
But remember that every promise comes with a price. There is no victory without a fight, and there is no testimony without a test. There is no crown without a cross and there's no resurrection without a crucifixion.

1. WORD - Peter

Luke 5:5 - nevertheless!
Remember that word of God, claim it for your life!!

2. FAITH - woman with the issue of blood

Mark 5:28
your determination will move God's heart

3. PRAISE - Paul and Silas

Are we just calling and praising God, just because we're needing Him?
Praising God will make heaven doors open!

Act 16:25

4. ACTION - Bartimaeus

You don't get a miracle if you don't act on it. Meet God in half way.

Mark 10:47

5. COURAGE - David

everyone is facing trials and tribulations, do we have the courage to fight and to ask help from God?

1 Samuel 17:45

6. PATIENCE - Joseph

"God has given me a dream, am just going to be patient to receive my miracle"

Gen 50:20

7. PEACE - Elisha

2 Kings 6:16


Judges 16:30

Gen 6:22

10. HUMANITY - Naaman

Some of us need to be changed first, just like Naaman.

2 Kings 5: 14


Somebody is one step away from your miracle, one step away from your breakthrough. One step away from a too much blessing. You've put in your time of toiling, and trying and praying and confessing, and waiting, and watching. And I tell you, that you are one step away from what you've been believing for. One step is moving us from borrowers to lenders. From barely making it to more than enough, from weeping to rejoicing. I'm trying to tell you, one step can turn your situation around and put you in charge. I don't know what "Jordan" you may be facing today. Your "Jordan" may be completely different from what I describe to you from my own life. And I don't know what that one step is that you need to take, but if you will obey God and take that step, "-Jordan" is gonna run from you!

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